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Max Delta

My Favourite

One of my favourite tricks in Max is a very simple one: calculate the delta of two numbers. It is often very useful to know the delta values of a stream of numbers. Delta is the difference between successive values and if there is a sudden big change it could indicate that something, somewhere might not be going right…

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Tracking Spatial Sound

I added a new section under Research where I can post some A/V materials. Have a look here for the first post! Tracking Spatial Sound

Sounding Communities: Dis-Location in the Age of Interaction

Here are some initial thoughts on a topic of research I am thinking of undertaking in the near future. This line of thinking came about while working on my latest string quartet (to be premiered on Feb. 9th at the Rosza Centre at the UofC) where I use the idea of “decoupling”. Applying this technique of the post-post-modern school of composition to networked music seemed to work as the concept of networked music itself already is a kind of decoupling. Without further ado here is my (submitted) abstract for an upcoming conference:Read More »Sounding Communities: Dis-Location in the Age of Interaction