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Unity mesh generation: Simple Mesh…

This is the second blogpost in a planned series dealing with procedurally generated terrain in Unity. I am gearing up to a project that will use terrain in a reactive and interactive way. In the first tutorial we talked about a single face containing 3 vertices and a triangle (with the appropriate winding). Today we will look at creating a larger, uniform mesh.

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Max Delta

My Favourite

One of my favourite tricks in Max is a very simple one: calculate the delta of two numbers. It is often very useful to know the delta values of a stream of numbers. Delta is the difference between successive values and if there is a sudden big change it could indicate that something, somewhere might not be going right…

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Unity mesh generation: vertices, triangles, winding

This is the first blogpost in a planned series dealing with procedurally generated terrain in Unity. I am gearing up to a project that will use terrain in a reactive and interactive way. I have only limited experience with Unity and am starting from scratch with procedurally generated terrain. As such I thought it would be interesting to share my progress as we go along as a sort of tutorial series in an attempt to solidify the concepts for myself. This first entry is all about vertices, triangles, and winding. So let’s get started…

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Matlab distribution nightmares…

I am getting to the point where I have to seriously test, debug, refactor, and document my Matlab code. I have already spent a lot of time on a first round of refactoring, changing my main file from many thousands of lines of code to a couple of hundred. This means I have many more Matlab functions cluttering up various folders.

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OS Photos woes…

… or exdif and sorting pictures!!


Ever since Apple “upgraded” Aperture to Photos I have had issues with my Photos library. I have over 250Gb of pictures and videos! Aperture managed it beautifully, but Photos seems to have issues (not to mention all the missing features!!!).

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Tracking Spatial Sound

I added a new section under Research where I can post some A/V materials. Have a look here for the first post! Tracking Spatial Sound

Terminal: It’s a Wild Batch

The real power of the command line comes from the ability to work on your data in batch. We already saw the * character as the wildcard. It will match anything and everything. For example if we were to look for a file and only remembered the first letter of it we could write:


This would match every file starting with “a”.
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Terminal Intro

The Terminal application (Applications/Utilities/ on OSX is a powerful tool for users to gain greater control over their working environment. Since OSX is based on UNIX, most UNIX commands will work here. However, Apple also added custom commands that leverage the power of OSX for the command line (more about that in a later post).

While I was aware of the “Command Line” for quite some time, I have never had the need or time to delve into this daunting and sometimes scary environment. This changed when OSX (10.7 ?) started to hide the “Library” folder from us and I needed to access it. So I googled and found this:

chflags nohidden ~/Library/

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